Camila discovered her love of teaching through a working holiday, when she traveled to Japan and briefly worked as an English conversation teacher in Tokyo. She returned to Canada filled with purpose and completed a BA in Linguistics with an extended minor in English Literature and received her TESL Certificate at Simon Fraser University. She has been a teacher at VanWest College for over 5 years now, and loves the vibrant atmosphere of downtown Vancouver. She strives to make her classroom a dynamic learning environment. At the moment, she is teaching General English Level 6, Writing 103 and Speaking 102. One of her most important rules is – know your classmates! She will often quiz her students on their classmates’ names, hoping this will help make the class friendly and comfortable for all.
So, who exactly is Camila?
Well, for one – she is a person who loves nature. Her family made it a point from a very early age to explore all the beautiful nooks and crannies of the lower mainland. Together, they hiked up to see the clear, emerald waters of the breathtaking Joffre Lakes, camped at Golden Ears Provincial Park, biked around Stanley Park and Rocky Point Park, and had freezing snowball fights up at Mt. Seymour. She has a great fondness for the beauty of British Columbia and is eager to share this love with her students. Happily, she is also an activity coordinator, so she tries to plan as many exciting trips for her students as possible. She hopes that students will always remember the wonderful sights and experiences they’ve had in and around Vancouver.
Another thing that Camila loves is stories – written or spoken! Asked at 8 years old what her favorite author was, she answered with confidence: Oscar Wilde. This love of books has helped her explore all sorts of worlds, and she tries to help her students see not just the great practical advantages that reading will give them but also the joy of it. She loves getting recommendations on what to read next, so if you see her, feel free to recommend your favorite book to her!
Above all, Camila loves interacting with people. She loves getting to know her students and seeing them achieve the goals they set for themselves. She gives students the tools they need to express themselves in and, most importantly, out of the classroom. Come graduation, the best feeling a student can have is that bittersweet mix of happiness to go home and sadness to leave – a sure sign that they have enjoyed their time studying English in Vancouver.