Don’t worry too much! Just be realistic!
- Name: Jihwan Kim
- Programs: ESL 3 months + Professional Customer Service Co-op Certificate 8 months
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Studied total 11 months, 3 months of English and 8 months of PCS co-op Certificate
I have completed English and Professional Customer Service Co-op Certificate (PCS Co-op) programs for 3 and 8 months respectively, total 11 months at VanWest College. I would like to share my experiences with people, maybe you, who are not so certain about taking co-op program. Or just because you do not have a specific career goal or excellent English skill. I have not studied much English in my entire life and neither have had a specific career goal. My major is marketing at Hongik University, Korea, and I came to Vancouver as soon as finished my military service.
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My agent has recommended me the perfect option – improve my English and get working experience overseas!
Right after finishing my military service in Korea, I had totally no ideas where to go for my study-abroad. I wanted to gather as much information as I could. So, I have visited one of the biggest agency in Gangnam area. I have met a very professional manager very helpful and has provided me with much information about many study abroad programs. What I have told her was that I not only wanted to get improved for English skill but also wanted to get new experiences working overseas. She seemed that she had the exact recommendation that I needed. After our first meeting, she has given me two options that perfectly fit into me. She has recommended me to take co-op program at VanWest College which has many professional instructors in Vancouver. The other option was just to wait after applying for Working Holiday visa which takes quite long time to get. I did not want to waste my time just waiting and waiting. Those reasons made me to come to Vancouver, and take co-op program which made me save my time – catch two birds with one stone!
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Great deal of improvement with EAP courses
When I took ESL class at the first day at VanWest College, I could not understand what teachers were saying in classes, and neither even knew what I had to do; because, my English skill was lower than expected. I decided to consult with Korean manager in the college, and she understood my situation and gave me some advice. After that, I moved to easier level class to learn English as much as I can. After about 2 months, I got promoted to go EAP 400 that was pretty much enough level to enter the co-op program. Finally, I did graduate from the EAP 400 the highest English level in the school. Most of the assignments felt like a burden to me and I was easily nervous by worrying someone starts to talk to me in English. Now I feel way more confident and not worry about that kind of English-speaking situation.
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During the 4 months of PCS co-op study period
I have taken many subjects which need to fulfill co-op experience, proceeded many projects for 4 months from VanWest; for example, making business proposal against a real company located in Canada virtually, doing group presentation about subject, getting informational interview from company that I am interested in, doing discussion about social issues, how to write resume in English, practicing job interview and so on. In fact, I feel like I got improved in my English skill much not by ESL program but co-op program.
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Co-op experience as Sales and Merchandising specialist at Best Buy in downtown Vancouver
After around 4 months osf all Co-op stuff, I have got an interview as a Sales and Merchandising Speialist from Best Buy Robson & Grandville branch which has a large scale of retail chain in USA and Canada and got a message from a General manager that I could work for Best Buy. I have finished my Co-op hours.
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My advice to people, “Don’t worry too much! Just be realistic”
My advice to you all is “Don’t worry too much! Just be realistic”. If you start to worry about your unexpectedness first before you try to make situation better or to do anything, you couldn’t bear any harsh condition like reality even though you have ability that you could bear. Moreover, if you have too high expectation for your potential co-op job position, you won’t be satisfied, will be frustrated easier than others who expect properly. As a conclusion, I’m so sure you guys will make wise choice, and wish my advice will be helpful for you guys and all the best to you all.
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