
Rules and Policies

Student Withdrawal Policy

If a student decides to withdraw from the program, he/she must provide a dated, written notice of withdrawal to the Registrar. Refunds are calculated according to VanWest College Refund Policy and the date on which the written notice of withdrawal is received will be used to determine any refund owing.

An international student whose application for a study permit has been denied is entitled to a refund under PTA Policy Manual.


  • To apply for withdrawal, a student is required to submit a written notice of withdrawal providing the reason for withdrawal to the Registrar,
    1. If the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled
      1. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the effective contract date and before the contract start date;
      2. the student, or the student’s parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the student’s
        parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or
      3. the student does not attend a work experience component, and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.Once the Registrar has received the written request, the Registrar will review all the information and process the refund (if applicable) based on the following policies:
    2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements, and did not
      misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

Refund Policy

before program start date, institution receives a notice of withdrawal:
  • No later than seven days after student signed the enrolment contract, and
  • Before the program start date.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee. Related fees include: administrative fees, application fees, assessment fees, and fees charged for textbooks or other course materials, and unused aircraft utilization fees.
  • More than seven days after student signed the enrolment contract, and
  • Before the program start date.
Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000 paid or payable under a contract.
after program start date, the institution provides a notice of dismissal or receive a notice of withdrawal (applies to all programs):
  • No later than seven days after the program start date, the institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal
Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000 paid or payable under a contract.
after program start date, institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal (applies to all approved programs, other than solely-asynchronous distance-education-only programs):
  • After the program start date, and up to and including 10% of instruction hours have been provided.
Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.
  • After the program start date, and after more than 10% but before 30% of instruction hours have been provided.
Institution may retain up to 30% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.
  • After the program start date, and after more than 30% but before 50% of instruction hours have been provided.
Institution may retain up to 50% of tuition paid or payable under a contract.
  • After the program start date, and after more than 50% of instruction hours have been provided.
No refund due
student does not attend program – “no-show” (applies to all students except those enrolled in a program delivered solely by asynchronous distance education):
  • Student does not attend the first 30% of the program.
Institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under a contract.
institution receives a refusal of study permit (applies to international students requiring a study permit):
  • Before 30% of instruction hours would have been provided, had the student started the program on the later of the following:
    1. The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance
    2. The program start date in the enrolment contract
  • Student has not requested additional Letter(s) of Acceptance.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee.
student enrolled in a program without having met the admission requirements for the program:
  • If the student did not misrepresent the student’s knowledge or skills when applying for admission and the registrar orders the institution to refund tuition and fees.
100% tuition and all related fees, including application fees
institution does not provide a work experience:
  • The institution fails to provide the work experience within 30 days of the contract end date, unless the registrar determines the institution was prevented from doing so by circumstances beyond its control.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fees

Student Code of Conduct and Dismissal Policy

Students are expected to meet and adhere to the Code of Conduct set out in this policy while completing a program of study at VanWest College. If necessary, students should request clarification from the Academic Director. “Student” means a person who is presently enrolled at VanWest College.


Code of Conduct

While on VanWest College premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by VanWest College, students must:

  • Comply with all applicable VanWest College policies, including the Attendance Policy;
  • Treat all students and staff with respect and must not engage in physically aggressive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise offensive behaviour;
  • Not steal, misuse, destroy or deface VanWest College property;
  • Not consume, possess or distribute alcohol or controlled or restricted substances; and
  • Not contravene any provision of the Canadian Criminal Code or any other federal, provincial, or municipal statute or regulation.

The above list sets out examples of prohibited conduct. It is intended to help students understand the type of conduct that will be subject to discipline and is not exhaustive. Students who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to the procedures and discipline outlined below, which may include immediate dismissal from the institution.



  1. All concerns relating to student misconduct shall be directed to the Marketing Representatives/Student Service (Student Advisor). Concerns may be brought by staff, students, or the public.
  2. The Marketing Representatives/Student Service (Student Advisor) will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern(s)within 5 school days of receiving the complaint. If the alleged conduct is of such a serious nature that an immediate dismissal may be warranted, the Marketing Representatives/Student Service (Student Advisor) will meet with the student as soon as is reasonably possible.
  3. Following the meeting with the student, the Marketing Representatives/Student Service (Student Advisor) will conduct whatever further enquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns are substantiated.
  4. Any necessary inquiries or investigations shall be completed within 5 school days of the initial meeting with the student.
  5. The Academic Director will meet with the student and do one of the following:
    1. Determine that the concern(s) were unsubstantiated;
    2. Determine that the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
      1. Give the student a warning setting out the consequences of further misconduct;
      2. Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
      3. Recommend that the student be dismissed from VanWest College.
  6. The Academic Director will prepare a written summary of the determination. A copy shall be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file.
  7. If the student is issued a warning or placed on probation, the Academic Director and the student will both sign the written warning or probationary conditions and the student will be given a copy. The original document will be placed in the student’s file.
  8. If the recommendation is to dismiss the student, the Academic Director of the institution will review the recommendation and accept or reject it. If the recommendation is accepted by the Academic Director, the Academic Director will meet with the student to dismiss him/her from study at the institution. The Academic Director of the institution will deliver to the student a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund due or tuition owing, in accordance with the PTA Policy Manual. If the recommendation is rejected by the Academic Director, the Academic Director will follow steps 5 through 7, above.
  9. If a refund is due to the student, VanWest College will ensure that a refund is forwarded to the student within 30 days of the dismissal.
  10. If the student owes tuition or other fees to the institution, VanWest College may undertake the collection of the amount owing.

Attendance Policy

Vocational College Program

  • Students are expected to attend all courses as scheduled. Should attendance in any individual course fall below 80%, the course will need to be repeated. This can negatively affect a student’s ability to graduate on time as they will need to retake the course when it is scheduled next.
  • Immigration policies as set out by Canadian Immigration Services have policies surrounding start and end dates and should a student not have a visa covering the extension, they may not be able to graduate. A qualified immigration consultant should be used should a student wish to extend their visa as school officials are not qualified to give immigration advice.

Absence, late arrival and early departure will count against a student’s requirement for receiving a passing grade. If the student’s overall attendance rate falls below 80% of the overall contact hours, he/she will NOT be eligible for a certificate/diploma of completion at the end of the program. The college does not give permission for any student absences or for being late or leaving class early. It is the student’s decision on whether to miss any class time and it is the student’s responsibility to maintain progress in the course and to meet all the attendance guidelines.


English as a Second Language (ESL)

  • If the student is late for class, they will not be allowed to enter until the next scheduled break.
  • If the student’s overall attendance rate is below 80%, they will not receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program.

If students are unable to attend class the student must email their student advisor and office@vanwest.com (Vancouver Location) or koffice@vanwest.com (Kelowna Location) with their full name, class and teacher name, and reason for the absence. Only absences due to illness will be excused. After three (3) consecutive absences, a doctor’s note is required and must be submitted immediately upon return to class. Other absences due to extraordinary circumstances will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Excessive absenteeism will be reviewed for possible termination from the College.

  • When a student has an unexplained absence of 3 out of 5 days within a single week, a warning email will be sent by the ESL Academic Manager (This is an unofficial warning notification).
  • If the student continues to be reported absent, advisors will need to reach out to students and speak to them.
  • If the absence persists and a student has been absent consistently, a warning letter will be sent and this warning letter serves as the final warning. We will no longer be sending 3 warning letters.

  • Step 1: Warning notification sent to the student – Emailed
  • Step 2: Advisor/Student Intervention
  • Step 3: Official Warning Letter (Emailed to the student in PDF form added to student file)
  • Step 4: Meeting with ESL Manager + Advisor
  • Step 5: Termination of Registration

English Policy

VanWest is a 100% English immersion school and students MUST speak English on VanWest property at all times. The only exception is inside the counselling office when speaking with student advisors.

If students speak a language other than English on school property they will receive a “yellow card”:

  • 1st card indicates that students will do extra homework assignments.
  • 2nd card indicates that students must meet with their student advisor.
  • 3rd card indicates that the student will have a meeting with the Academic Director.
  • 4th card may result in the suspension from VanWest College.

* English policy applies to the ESL program students only.

Request for Study Break and Course Schedule Changes Policy

Request for Study Break Policy
Students may request a study break based on the duration of their program. All requests must be approved, and received at least 5 business days prior to the start of the proposed break.

Program Length Eligible Study Break
4-12 Weeks 1 Week
13-23 Weeks 2 Weeks
24-35 Weeks 3 Weeks
36+ Weeks 4 Weeks


Students must complete a yellow Vacation Request form which is available at the reception desk. Forms must be submitted to the reception desk a minimum 5 days prior to vacation.


Course Schedule Changes Policy

Amendments to the study program after the start date – ESL program only

Students may change their study hours after starting their courses from 30 lessons to 25 lessons only. There will be no cash refund for these changes. Eligible time will be credited based on prices as listed in the student’s invoice.

Class Change Requests

Students may change their morning and elective English classes after starting their courses.



  1. Students will receive a fillable Class Change Request form by email.
  2. Forms must be submitted to classchange@vanwest.com for Vancouver Location and koffice@vanwest.com for Kelowna Location by 3:00 pm on Wednesday.
  3. If the class change request is granted, the student will receive a confirmation email by Friday, and the class change will begin on the following Monday.

Academic Integrity Policy

VanWest expects students to employ integrity in all academic pursuits.

Student must never:

  • Claim another person’s work as their own (plagiarism).
  • Attempt to copy another’s work or use unauthorized materials in examinations or assignments (cheating).
  • Use VanWest educational materials without proper authorization. For example: a student must not obtain or view a test prior to writing it.

If the instructor determines that a student has, for any reason, violated this policy, the instructor shall:

  • Discuss the suspected violation with the student.
  • Determine a resolution with the student i.e. the student may be required to resubmit the assignment or receive a lower grade.
  • Document the informal resolution and forward it to the Academic Director.

The student will also receive a record of the misconduct and, where applicable, notification of his/her probationary period. In the case that an instructor finds a student repeatedly violating this policy, the instructor shall:

  • Review the suspected violation(s) with the Executive Director/Academics.
  • If the Executive Director/Academics determines that the matter should be addressed under the Academic Integrity Policy, the Executive Director/Academics will meet with the student to review the suspected violation.
  • The Executive Director/Academics will determine if academic misconduct has taken place and what discipline may be appropriate. Disciplinary action on the part of the Executive Director/Academics may include:
    • Disciplinary probation
    • Rejection of submitted work
    • A failing grade for the assignment
    • A failing grade for the course
    • Suspension from VanWest without a refund

Privacy Policy

BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Safeguarding personal information of students is a fundamental concern of VanWest College. The school is committed to meeting or exceeding the privacy standards established by British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and any other applicable legislation.

VanWest College complies with legal requirements regarding confidentiality, privacy, freedom of information and copyright legislation. Under this act, the College is accountable to protect student privacy by giving students a right of access to records and personal information about themselves, specifying limited exceptions to the rights of access, and preventing the unauthorized collection, use or disclosure of personal information.

Under the Personal Information Protection Act students are entitled to access their student file. The personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which it was originally collected or for a use consistent with that purpose, unless the student consents to other use.

Records Management Policy

The Records Management Policy provides VanWest College with a policy that follows industry best practice for the collection, storage, confidentiality and retrieval of student records.

It establishes retention timetables for student records and ensures that all College records are trustworthy, usable over time, retained and disposed of according to approved timetables.



  1. Employees will protect the privacy of individuals by ensuring that records containing personal information are stored in a secure environment while in the office and are confidentially destroyed by shredding or incineration according to approved retention and disposal schedules.
  2. Student records are retained for eight (8) years.
  3. Employees will maintain a hardcopy and e-version of an individual student file for each student registered; the student file will contain information on one student only.
  4. The following documents will be in the student file:
    • A copy of the signed student enrolment contract
    • Evidence of payments for tuition and related fees
    • A copy of a complaint made by the student to the institution in relation to an approved program of instruction of the institution, and all documents in relation to the complaint and the student’s participation in the dispute resolution process (If applicable)
    • Copies of a notice of withdrawal or a notice of dismissal and documents in relation to the withdrawal or dismissal, including in relation to a refund of tuition or related fees (If applicable)
    • A copy of the letter of acceptance and a copy of the study permit
    • The student’s transcripts issued by the institution
    • Evidence that the student has met the admission requirements for the approved program of instruction
    • A copy of the attendance record for the student
    • Documents in relation to a student’s participation in the grade appeal process (If applicable)
    • A copy of the credential granted to the student (If applicable)
  5. In addition, if a student participates in a work experience component, the following must be included in the student record:
    • A copy of the agreement described in the work experience component compliance standards
    • Evidence that the student has met the requirements for participation in the work experience component
    • A copy of evaluation of the student’s performance in the work experience component
  6. Employees who create and maintain records will establish departmental procedures to ensure that such records are protected in the event of a disaster.
  7. Employees who leave the College or change positions will leave all their college records for their successors, other than those records that are eligible to be archived or are scheduled to be destroyed.


Access to Students Records

By Employees
Employees who are authorized by the school and working for the benefit of students will have a password to access student records. As with any personal information, access is on a need-to-know basis only.

By Parents and Students
Under the Personal Information Protection Act students are entitled to access their student file and requests for access to student records will be processed during normal business hours. Generally, requests for access to student records by the legal custodial parent(s)/guardian or a student will be handled on an informal basis and records will be made available upon request in the presence of the Academic Director or a person designated by the principal to interpret the records. Normally the legal custodial parent(s)/guardian will exercise rights of access on behalf of students under the age of nineteen (19).

By Other Agencies/Parties
A student’s personal information may be disclosed to the RCMP, Probation Officers or Immigration Officers to assist in an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding, or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result.

Requests from law enforcement agencies must be submitted in writing with the following information provided:

  1. The name of the individual whose information is requested;
  2. The exact nature of the information desired;
  3. The authority for the investigation;
  4. The purpose for which the information will be used; and
  5. The name, title and address of the person authorized to make the request.

All requests from law enforcement agencies for personal information will be recorded in writing and filed.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

    1. VanWest College does not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct and strives to prevent it and respond effectively and in a timely manner when incidents do occur. The institution endeavors to ensure victims/survivors are supported and treated with compassion; have access to safety planning; academic, work-related and other accommodations; and on and off campus confidential support services. The college respects the privacy and procedural fairness rights of victims/survivors and alleged perpetrators.
    2. Sexual misconduct refers to a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behaviour including the following:
      • Sexual assault
      • Sexual exploitation
      • Sexual harassment
      • Stalking
      • Indecent exposure
      • Voyeurism
      • The distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the photograph or video
      • The attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct, and
      • The threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct
    3. A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct. A person may choose to disclose or complain of sexual misconduct without making a formal report. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action.
    4. A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.
    5. The process for responding to a Complaint of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:
      • VanWest will acknowledge receipt of the Complaint within 5 working days. We will ensure all parties involved are treated with dignity and respect. We encourage immediate reporting by those who have knowledge of or who have witnessed incidents of sexual violence and misconduct.
      • VanWest is committed to act in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness in dealing with allegations of sexual misconduct. The institution will take immediate action by those with authority to act on behalf of the college. The institution will take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the campus community when the institution has been made aware of an incident and encourages immediate reporting by those who have knowledge of or who have witnessed incidents of sexual misconduct.
    6. The process for making a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:
      • If a student feels they are in immediate danger, or fear for their safety, they should call 9-1-1 emergency to report an incident of sexual violence or misconduct.
      • If a student feels they have been sexually violated in any way they should report this to their student advisor, a director and/or a member of staff. The senior management team is also available to take these reports directly:
        • Director of Operations: Susan Pan / susan.pan@vanwest.com
        • Manager of Academic Affairs: Noor Rana / noor.r@vanwest.com
        • Director of Marketing: Sara Ohashi / sara.o@vanwest.com
      • This report should be a written statement of the events and include a request for action.
      • The person taking the report will:
        • Listen without judgement and respect confidentiality.
        • Respect the right of the individual to choose the services they feel are most appropriate and to decide whether to formally make a report to the institution or police.
        • Recognize that disclosing can be traumatic.
        • Respect the choice of the individual about how much they disclose about their experience
      • The individual filing a report to VanWest, which may be filed under the policy by any member of the campus community, may withdraw the report. However, depending on the circumstances, the institution may continue to act on the matter.
      • A person may choose to disclose sexual misconduct without making a formal report. In these circumstances, a disclosure/complaint may not result in a report being made and, therefore, may not initiate a formal process. However, depending on the circumstances, the VanWest College may continue to act on the matter.
    7. The process for responding to a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:
      • The institution will review the Report within a reasonable timeframe and confirm next steps in writing.
      • The Administration will acknowledge receipt of the Complaint within three (3) school days.
      • The Complainant and the Respondent will be advised that they may ask another person to be present throughout the investigation.
      • The Complainant will be interviewed to ensure a complete understanding of the allegation and to gather additional information that may not have been included in the written complaint, such as the date and time of the incident, the persons involved, the names of any person who witnessed the incident and a complete description of what occurred.
      • The Respondent will be interviewed and informed of the complaint, provided details of the allegations and provided an opportunity to respond to the allegations, including providing any witnesses the Respondent feels are essential to the investigation.
      • Any person involved or who has, or may have, knowledge of the incident and any identified witnesses will be interviewed.
      • Reasonable updates to the Complainant and the Respondent about the status of the investigation will be provided; and
      • Following the investigation, the Senior Management Team will:
        • review all of the evidence collected during the investigation.
        • determine whether sexual Misconduct occurred; and if so
        • determine what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken as set out below.
    8. All reports will be investigated to substantiate claims. The investigation and adjudicative processes will be fair in accordance with procedural fairness. Reasonable notice and full details of the allegations against alleged perpetrators will be shared and the alleged perpetrator will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations.
    9. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect. While the alleged perpetrator must be accorded procedural fairness, the institution will pay attention to the circumstances and safety of the victim/survivor where making the perpetrator aware of the disclosure/complaint or report could result in further harm – particularly when no police report is filed.
    10. It is contrary to this policy for an institution to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate in relation to a Complaint or a Report. VanWest College will not engage in or tolerate any retaliation, directly or indirectly, or threats of retaliation against anyone who Discloses or Reports or who participates in a process that responds to a Report.
    11. Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.
    12. VanWest College recognizes the importance of confidentiality both to those who have made a disclosure/complaint or report of sexual misconduct and to the alleged perpetrator. All information related to a Complaint or Report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:
      • If an individual is at imminent risk of severe or life-threatening self-harm.
      • If an individual is at imminent risk of harming another.
      • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the institutional community may be at significant risk of harm based on the information provided.
      • Where reporting is required by law.
      • Where it is necessary to ensure procedural fairness in an investigation or other response to a Complaint or Report.
      • The institution respects the confidentiality of all persons involved per the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
      • Confidentiality may also be limited where reporting is required by law, e.g. in the case of a minor under the Child, Family and Community Services Act.
    13. The Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act requires that this policy is reviewed at least once every three years. Students must be consulted as part of the review.
    14. The Director of Operations is responsible for the administration of this Policy and the development and subsequent revisions of any associated procedures.
This institution is certified by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB). Certified institutions must comply with regulatory requirements, including the requirement to have a Sexual Misconduct policy. For more information about PTIB, go to www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca.


Related Documents & Legislation

Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act

Criminal Code of Canada

BC Human Rights Code

Equity and Diversity Policy

VanWest is proud to host faculty and students from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures and insists on fair treatment for all. The college supports this value by encouraging its faculty and students to acknowledge and appreciate the diversity on campus by refusing to tolerate acts of discrimination based on race, origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disabilities, or age. This policy is designed to promote safety, self-esteem and well-being of all members of the VanWest community.

Any student that feels discriminated against by a student or staff member is encouraged to follow our Dispute Resolution Procedure. Any student member engaging in discrimination against another student or staff member can expect disciplinary action.

Social Media and Internet Policy

VanWest recognizes that access to technology in school gives students and teachers greater opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop skills that will prepare them for work, life, and citizenship. We are committed to helping students develop 21st-century technology and communication skills.

The Social Media Policy outlines the guidelines and behaviors that users are expected to follow when using school technologies or when using personally-owned devices on the school campus.


Examples of Acceptable Use

  • Use school technologies for school-related activities and research.
  • Follow the same guidelines for respectful, responsible behavior online that you are expected to follow offline.
  • Treat school resources carefully, and alert staff if there is any problem with their operation.
  • Encourage positive, constructive discussion if allowed to use communicative or collaborative technologies.
  • Alert a teacher or other staff member if you see threatening/bullying, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online.
  • Use school technologies at appropriate times, in approved places, for educational pursuits only.
  • Cite sources when using online sites and resources for research; ensure there is no copyright infringement.
  • Recognize that use of school technologies is a privilege and treat it as such.
  • Be cautious to protect the safety of yourself and others.
  • Help to protect the security of school resources.


Examples of Unacceptable Use

  • Use school technologies in a way that could be personally or physically harmful to yourself or others.
  • Search inappropriate images or content.
  • Engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or disrespectful conduct toward other staff or students.
  • Try to find ways to circumvent the school’s safety measures and filtering tools.
  • Use school technologies to send spam or chain mail.
  • Plagiarize content you find online.
  • Post personally-identifying information, about yourself or others.
  • Agree to meet someone you meet online in real life.
  • Use language online that would be unacceptable in the classroom.
  • Use school technologies for illegal activities or to pursue information on such activities.
  • Attempt to hack or access sites, servers, accounts, or content that isn’t intended for your use.

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Users should use their own good judgment when using school technologies.


Internet Policy

VanWest College offers students Internet access. Internet access is provided for researching purposes and to assist students in their studies. Internet access is not to be used for streaming videos, games etc., downloading of software, games, videos etc. Students using the internet for anything other than school research purposes may lose their internet access at the college.

  • Streaming or downloading software or other copyright material is prohibited.
  • Visiting objectionable Internet sites is prohibited. Objectionable sites may include, but are not limited to, pornography of any form, or any sight that violates the rights of any human being.
  • Sending of objectionable e-mail is prohibited and doing so will result in immediate termination.

Surfing of the internet during class hours, unless directed to do so by an instructor, is against VanWest Policy.

Dispute Resolution Policy

VanWest College wants the Dispute Policy to be easy for you to use, and clear for everyone involved. First try to solve the problem by talking to the teacher or instructor, and then by emailing them. If that does not solve it, then you can do the following things:

  1. Send a written complaint to your student advisor. This can be in your first language or in English. If they are not available or if they are the person you are having a problem with, send the written complaint to the Manager of Academic Affairs. If your complaint is about your student advisor, please send it to a Director of Marketing (who will report the complaint to the Manager of Academic Affairs). It would help a lot if you could suggest a solution which we could do to give you a chance to succeed, rather than just an apology.

    The Manager of Academic Affairs will arrange to meet with you to discuss the concern and your solution within five (5) business days of receiving your written complaint.

    After meeting with you, the Manager of Academic Affairs will talk to everyone involved and investigate the situation to see if the complaint is completely or partially correct. They may need to talk with you again.

    They will write what they find to everyone no later than fifteen (15) business days after receiving your written complaint. This will also say that you have five (5) business days to appeal the decision. A copy of this written response will be given to you and the original will be placed in your file.

  2. If there is still a problem and you are unsatisfied, you must write to the Director of Operations in the Vancouver location within five (5) business days after you receive the response from the Manager of Academic Affairs.

    The Director of Operations will discuss the problem with the Appeals Committee. The committee will be formed as soon as possible, and all members will gather for a meeting where you and the person you are having a problem with will explain their opinions of the problem.

    The Appeals Committee (Director of Marketing/Student Services, or Manager of Academic Affairs, Co-op Manager, and a member of the faculty) will write another response that includes reasons and a judgement of the complaint, which will be a summary of everything. This will be given to you no later than five (5) days after the meeting. This is the end of the Dispute Process.

All parts of the complaints and responses must be signed by the people involved in writing them. A copy of the final written summary will be given to you, and the original will be placed in your file. All dispute cases will be finished as soon as possible and no later than forty-five (45) days after receiving your written complaint.

You may bring an agent, friend, or a lawyer to help you communicate and to advise you for any of the meetings. VanWest College may also bring a third party or lawyer. VanWest will not punish you in any way because you complained.

If this does not solve your problem, you may file a claim with the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) (http://www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca/) within one year of the date you completes, are dismissed from, or withdraws from the program if you feel that VanWest misled you about any important part of an approved program.

If you are an ESL student: If your problem is not solved to your satisfaction after the previous step, you may send your complaint in writing to Languages Canada for help –https://www.languagescanada.ca/en/contact

Student Statement of Rights

Student Statement of Rights

VanWest College (Vancouver) and VanWest College (Kelowna) are certified with the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

  • amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program.
  • refund policy
  • if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided.
  • encourage positive, constructive discussion if allowed to use communicative or collaborative technologies.
  • whether the program was approved by PTIRU or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint

You have the right to make a claim to PTIRU for a tuition refund if:

  • your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program
  • you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program


For more information about PTIRU and how to be an informed student, go to:

Homestay Policy

    1. If a student books a shorter homestay period than tuition period, and later decides to extend their homestay, an extension fee will apply. If they do not give a minimum of 4 weeks advance notice of their plan to extend, VanWest cannot guarantee their host family will be available and relocation may be necessary. When their classes at VanWest finish, the student must move out of the homestay. All payment for homestay must be made through student advisors or sales managers. Direct payments to their host family are not allowed.
    2. If a student has any questions or problems, or if they need to make a change, they must talk to student advisors or sales managers.
    3. If a student wishes to leave their homestay early, they must tell student advisors or sales managers 4 weeks before they leave. If the student does not, they will have to pay for the following month even if they have moved out. Please note that checkout time is no later than 11:00 am on the move-out date.
    4. The student will take part in the family’s daily life and should help when possible. The student must follow the house rules, for example, by keeping their room clean, helping to clean up after meals, following smoking rules, and so on. Students must notify their homestay family if they cannot be home for dinner or plan to be out late. Also, when making plans for the evening or weekend, students must tell their homestsay family where they will be and what time they will come home. It is very important to communicate clearly with their host family.
    5. If a student breaks or damages any property of the host family, the student must pay for any repair or replacement of that property. VanWest will not be responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen property of the student or host family during the homestay period.
    6. If a student cancels their homestay placement within 4 weeks of the homestay move-in date, he/she will be required to pay 25% of the first month’s homestay fees no matter what the reasons are.
    7. If a student cancels their homestay placement after their move-in date, he/she will be required to pay 4 weeks of homestay fee.
    8. If a student is caught with drugs at their homestay, they will be charged $700 and will be immediately kicked out of the homestay. In a homestay with no smoking policy, if a student is caught smoking, they will be charged $700 and will be immediately kicked out of the homestay.

* VanWest College will be released from any liabilities that may occur during this homestay period.

Student Housing Policy

  1. Rooms are assigned based on availability for both new bookings and extensions. VanWest College reserves the right, without notice, to assign or change roommates, to change accommodation assignments and/or to consolidate vacancies by requiring a student or other residents to move from one room to another. This may include requiring a student to move to a different accommodation area, floor, building or type of room. If this happens, the student is required to pay the accommodation fees stipulated for the new room.
  2. A damage/security deposit, which is equivalent to your 2 weeks accommodation fee, will be held by VanWest College. It is fully refundable if there has been no damage caused by the student. Pre-authorization for the credit card for the damage deposit must be collected when submitting the application form.
    1. The refund of any portion of the deposit is conditioned as follows:
      • The student shall perform all obligations in this contract and the Residence Handbook whether the student takes occupancy or not;
      • The student shall occupy the premises for the above agreed term;
      • The student shall clean the unit and return it to VanWest College in its original move-in condition, allowing for reasonable wear and tear, upon the termination of this contract;
      • The student shall return all keys to VanWest College.
  3. If written cancellation is received 4 weeks prior to the move-in date, a full refund will be applied except the administration fee and the damage deposit. If a student wishes to cancel after moving in, a written cancellation request must be received at least at least one full month before the effective date of the notice and before the first day of the month. The room fee for the remaining period will be fully refunded. Please refer to the Residence Handbook under the Move-Out Early section.
  4. Extension is possible depending on room availability but the same room is not guaranteed.
  5. VanWest College may terminate this contract and cancel the right of occupancy if a student withdraws from the study program at VanWest College or violates the rules and regulations of this contract and Residence Handbook.
  6. VanWest College is not responsible for property belonging to students or any of their guests which may be lost, stolen or damaged in any way, regardless of the cause, whether or not this may occur in their accommodation, the residence, or on the shared house property, including the storage facilities. VanWest College is not responsible for any injury, death, damage or loss whatsoever caused to students or their guests while in their room, common areas, the entire accommodation property, or while engaged in activities organized or sponsored by VanWest College.
  7. If a student is caught smoking and/or with drugs at the residence or at the shared house, they will be charged $700 and will be immediately kicked out of the accommodation.
  8. All Residences: All room types, except the family room, are designated for single occupancy. Having an additional tenant will result in extra charges and is subject to the landlord’s approval. This also requires a minimum booking period. If a student decides to move out before completing the required minimum booking weeks, additional charges will be applied based on the number of weeks the student has already stayed.
  9. All residents of student accommodation must adhere to Residence Handbook.

Payment Policy

  • Payment is required four weeks prior to the program and/or accommodation start date, and all payments must be made in Canadian Dollars.
  • If a student is approved for an installment plan, it is their responsibility to ensure that the outstanding amount is received by the institution on or before the due date. Failure to make payments according to the agreed installment plan may lead to program suspension or dismissal.
  • In the event that an international student notifies the institution that their Study Permit application has not been approved by the Program Start Date, they may request an additional Letter of Acceptance (LOA) for a later start date. However, an administrative fee of $100 will be charged, and the institution will retain the remaining prepaid tuition fees until the outcome of the Study Permit application is known.