You check your calendar, and you see “January 2024” and you realize that 2020 was 4 years ago and 2017 was 7 years ago. What happened? It feels like 2020 was just last year and 2017 was only 4 years ago, doesn’t it? Time flies,...Read More
在繁華的溫哥華城市,假日總是想好好放鬆,以下三間是不顯眼但又很愜意的社區咖啡廳。 • Mah Mah位於Victoria St,是一家擁有復古風格的咖啡廳,提供室內和室外座位選擇。他們的奶油可頌特別鬆軟,再搭配一杯熱咖啡,欣賞Victoria Park的秋天美景,簡直像是活在一幅畫中。此外,距離Commercial Drive 也只有幾分鐘的距離,那條街上也有不少的Vintage Store可以逛逛! (📍 1502 Victoria Dr) 照片出處: Lindsay William-Ross/V.I.A • Le Marché St. George Le Marché St. George是一家充滿法式風情的復古咖啡店。記得第一次走進這店面時, 這家店給我的印象就是很歐洲感,店裡的陳列方式也很法式。這家店不只販賣著名的法式軟餅,還有一些食品染貨! 在溫哥華,有很多歐式小店散落在各個角落,閒暇時,若是想要感受一下歐式的氣息,Le Marché St. George真的是適合不過了! ! (📍 4393 St George St) 照片出處: Nelson the Seagull • The Federal Store Luncheonette...Read More
La experiencia de Mya y Andrea. Ser un “student advisor” no siempre es fácil, muchas veces hay que lidiar con situaciones incómodas, problemas, quejas, etc. Siempre hay que saber dar el consejo indicado a la persona indicada y, muchas veces, nuestras palabras pueden causar un...Read More
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget.