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Transporte Público: todo lo que debes saber Llegar a una nueva ciudad o país siempre es complicado, todo es nuevo y diferente para vosotros y no sabéis ni por donde empezar (no os preocupéis, yo también pasé por eso), así que os dejo unos pequeños consejos sobre el transporte público para que, en lugar de estar perdidos y desconcertados, solamente estéis desconcertados: Primero de todo necesitaremos la Compass Card. No...
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Hey guys it’s Jed, sharing my top 5 restaurants you check out while you’re studying in Vancouver. It’s the summertime which means it is the perfect time to grab your best buds and try new things. Firstly, I will admit there are probably WAY better places to go to in the city. My challenge is for you to escape your comfort zone and explore the east side of the Lower...
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A Guide to Surviving as an International Student in Vancouver. As international students studying here in Vancouver, British Columbia at Van West College, wewanted to share our guide to surviving as an international student in this beautiful city. Written by Mariam Andrea Centeno Badilla and Marcio Reyes de Oliveira Firstly, getting involved in campus life is a great way to meet people with similar interests andmake new friends. Van West...
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Receiving the “Most Excellent College 2023” award from Ryugaku Compass. Canada Ryugaku Compass has named VanWest College “The Most Excellent College 2023”! We are very excited by this recognition. Certainly, this was a team effort. All of our instructors displayed a great sense of hard work and professionalism. Furthermore, our instructors also shared their multiple years of experience in the fields that interested our students. Indeed, their vast knowledge of...
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Long weekends in Canada are a big deal. Who doesn’t want to have an extra day to themselves? These weekends are usually associated with a holiday that we are meant to observe or celebrate. Obviously, there will be no classes. If the holiday already falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the break will be either the previous Friday or the next Monday. For example, New Year’s Day fell on a...
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