Setting Goals for 2024

goals 2024

You check your calendar, and you see “January 2024” and you realize that 2020 was 4 years ago and 2017 was 7 years ago. What happened? It feels like 2020 was just last year and 2017 was only 4 years ago, doesn’t it? Time flies, and we don’t have time to lose, so it’s important that every year we set objectives for ourselves and we try as hard as we can to accomplish them.

People believe that January 1st is just another day, that nothing changes from last year, and the world will be the same as before, and they are not wrong, but it can be a fresh start for a lot of people: New year new me!

Let’s set some goals for this 2024, but how can we do it? Most of the people set goals like “I will start going to the gym” or “I will find a good job” or even “I will study harder.” Everyone is free to choose their own goals because, in the end, you need to set goals for what makes you happy or a better version of yourself.

What goals could be good for yourself? I can give you guys some recommendations:

Find a new hobby

It’s never too late to learn and discover yourself. Try new things that you are interested in, like painting, reading, learning new languages, practicing a new sport, etc. For example, I was wondering if I would like photography, once I tried for the first time, I discovered that I loved it.


There’s always something to learn, and if it’s something beneficial for you, then it’s great! Always study things you enjoy or find beneficial. Study history, educate yourself in communication skills (really important), study another language…

Spend more time with the people you love

Nowadays, people are so busy all the time, especially in big cities. You meet your friends every two weeks, and it’s not enough time. Spending time with family and friends it’s always necessary, and sometimes we forget about it.

Take care of yourself

Love yourself and spend quality time alone. It is really good to stop for a second, breathe, think about what you have accomplished and where you are going. Treat yourself doing things you enjoy.

These are my recommendations, but the goals are yours. You set your own goals and don’t let anyone tell you what your goals should be. Consider other recommendations or second opinions, but ultimately create your own goals.

goals 2024

“Hi, my name is Roger, I was born in Spain but I have been living in Canada for 3 years but I’ve lived in 4 different countries: Spain, Finland, UK and Canada.”


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