Como student advisor en VanWest me encuentro a muchos estudiantes que tienen dificultades al principio con el inglés o que les cuesta más que a otros aprender el idioma. Rodolfo es uno de estos estudiantes que al principio tuvo problemas para agarrar el ritmo de aprendizaje, pero hoy en día está bien contento, con un...Read More
어떤 사람들에게는 공부가 정말 쉽고 즐거운 일일 수 있어요. 그들은 집중하기 쉽고 모든 정보를 쉽게 배우고 기억하는 것이 쉽다고 느낄 수 있죠. 그러나 많은 사람들에게는 공부가 정말 도전적이고 때로는 불가능한 일로 느껴질 수도 있어요. 여러분들이 공부 시간을 더 생산적으로 보낼 수 있도록 몇 가지 공부 팁을 알려드릴게요 1. 공부 일정 만들기 때로는 루틴을 가지는 것이...Read More
Here are some more common English sayings that you can use in conversation! The world is slowly opening up which means traveling will be a lot more common. This will allow more people to come to Canada and study English. If studying at VanWest College is in your future, maybe this blog can help. Just...Read More
Hi, It’s Rimi! I’m so glad to share my experience here with you all again. This time, I would like to share my experience of the Conversation Club at VanWest College. What is it? Conversation Club is one of our activities that is usually held on Tuesday and Thursday. I have joined it three times...Read More
We’re Back And we’re back with 8 more common English sayings that you can use in conversation. Like any sayings or limericks in your native language, using English idioms usually come easier for native speakers. So show off your English speaking skills improvement by using one of these sayings naturally in dialogue. UP IN THE...Read More
Practice Makes Perfect We are pretty sure you’ve heard some reiteration of the saying “practice makes perfect”. It’s a very true statement, the outcome you receive from attempting to accomplish something will depend on how much effort you put in. Some outcomes are not that great and some can be very rewarding. VanWest College would...Read More
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