1. 총 인구 90% 순수 원어민 – 단기간 영어실력 향상에 최적의 도시 켈로나는 BC 주에서 광역 밴쿠버를 제외하고 가장 인구가 많은 도시입니다(약 160,000명). University of British Colombia Okanagan(UBCO) 캠퍼스와 오카나간 컬리지 (Okanagan College) 국제 학생과 소수 이민자 등을 제외하고는 전체 인구 90% 이상이 순수 원어민이어서 단기간 영어 실력 향상, 특히 영어 회화 실력을 늘리고자...Read More
VanWest College is delighted to announce that as of September 2016 we have joined forces with the International Association of Language Centres (IALC). Membership in IALC is by invitation-only and its members represent the best independent schools from around the world – schools with a reputation for exceptional quality, caring, and personal service. Since 1988,...Read More
VanWest College offers ESL scholarship for Syrian Refugees VanWest College is offering enough hours for refugees to learn English for one year. But no one has contacted the college yet. “My concern is when I read the news and I see the headlines of the backlog up to 16 months waiting list in B.C. to...Read More
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